
Mark J. Rose

God, Human Consciousness, Space-Time, and Reality – Blog Entry 7

El Castillo, Temple of Kukulcan, Chichen Itza, mexico

November 8, 2022 – BLOG ENTRY 7

The truth is that the concept of a miracle remains as prominent today as it was 5000 years ago, except among my scientific colleagues, who claim that they know better. At this point, a good-mannered lecture is in order. I’ve sometimes been disappointed by the scientific community’s groupthink concerning the brain and human consciousness. Scientists can be pretty darn smug regarding their understanding of the human brain, yet after spending one hundred billion dollars, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, and Huntington’s remain uncured. Scientists scoff at the existence of God, even though approximately four billion people believe in a higher power. Yo! Scientists! Maybe God deserves a more complex analysis than writing him off as some mass delusion. Perhaps my biggest pet peeve is that many scientists suppose they are more intelligent than scholars who lived a thousand years ago. They scoff at their superstitious predecessors who believed in a higher power and miracles. Yet, quantum physics is almost impossible to understand from a classical physics perspective. I suspect that the Mayans, Aztecs, and Egyptians, with their priests and shamans, understood the quantum world much better than our modern perspective will allow.

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Before we talk about alternative realities, we need to define classical reality based on classical physics. Back when Isaac Newton proposed classical physics, it was a complete departure from the mythical and religious world in which we lived. It was a world where a higher power existed, and miracles happened. But, like our recent belief that red wine is good for you and bacon is bad, we are learning that classical physics may not be the entire story.

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